Monday, March 28, 2016

Apple's dual-lens exposure: Perhaps for iPhone 7 Plus

In recent years, the increasing popularity of mobile phone camera has become one of the major factors when people purchase a consideration. It broke the news website said, although it was unable to verify whether this dual-lens module used for the iPhone 7, but because of the discharge line of the iPhone appeared in ancient MK common word, so its authenticity is still relatively high. However, sources said, it will only appear in the twin-lens iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7 will not have. As we all know, Apple hardware is not the camera's top, but thanks to Apple's excellent optimization knowledge, experience and the Apple iPhone camera image quality is stable line ranks. If there is another twin-lens blessing, Apple will be more popular.

Some time ago, the foreign media has also disclosed Apple patent one pair of lenses. Patent shows that Apple dual-lens camera is powered by a standard wide-angle lens and a telephoto lens composition, the task can be taken independently by the software synthesis. In addition, the screen can be divided into the viewfinder also shows the normal screen and zoom screen, dual camera support seamless handover, click on the wide angle lens at a point in the normal screen can be realized through a telephoto lens zoom and displayed in another screen.

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