Monday, March 28, 2016

iPhone7: Designs

Near the Apple press conference, iPhone 7 frequently has been exposed. Now a foreign YouTube user uploaded a video to show the protective shell of these two new machines, further confirmed the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus design.

The video can be seen, iPhone protective shell 7 at the camera position leaving more space, has confirmed the iPhone 7 dual lens version. In addition, video can also be found, iPhone Lightning 7, the interface becomes large, and according to previous rumors, iPhone 7 will join Smart Connector, this change Lightning interface should be resulting. At the same time, we can also see that the protection of the bottom of the housing has two symmetrical and of the same size opening, suggesting that iPhone 7 will be canceled 3.5mm headphone jack, to symmetrical dual speakers.

About configuring, after news shows, iPhone se will use A9 processor, upgrade to 12 million pixels camera, along with Apple Pay and Live Photos function, but does not support 3D Touch. iPhone 7 expected to adopt A10 processor, with 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches two versions, one larger iPhone 7 Plus will have a single lens and double lens two designs, allegedly dual-lens version of iPhone 7 Plus will be renamed the iPhone 7 Pro.

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